Monday, July 25, 2016

Forgotten Wonders Beneath the Trees • summer series re-emerging

Well it's been about three years since my last update to my ongoing Ohio fungi series. This series along with my upcoming West Virginia fungi series has been a project in the works due to amount of editing and identification work through hundreds of photos taken from the summer of 2012 to the fall of just last year. As with most hobbies, the deeper you go into it, the more work you create for yourself. But finally the new additions to this series will unfold this year and next as I will be posting each season again to show you what beautiful gems you can find on the forest floor and where you may find them in Ohio.
I have long anticipated to get this series out there and the summer installment is by far my very favorite time of the year for finding the most colorful and enchanting species out there. Fungi colors can range the entire visible spectrum between the months of late June through August in most regions of Ohio if you look in right places at the right time. Plus this season is the best time of year to truly find a diversity of edible species contrary to what so many may believe to be is in the spring and fall seasons. You can find a diversity of edible boletes, chanterelles, russula and lactarius species alone, along with oyster, trumpet, lobster, parasol, hedgehogs, bear's head and lion's mane. Summer is the season for fungi, so next time you are out in nature keep your eye to the forest floor for some of these species. Enjoy the charms of summer!

The new additions to the Summer series can be seen starting on page 2 here:

or directly from my photo stream here: