Saturday, January 5, 2013

Zoo Life and Thoughts on Animal Preservation

Since 2009, I have been fortunate enough to make it to quite a few of our great Zoos, both in Ohio and neighboring states–Indiana and Pennsylvania. Without zoos and wildlife preserves, several species would be extinct this very day. But thanks to institutions like these, we are lucky enough to save quite a few species throughout the world and educate the public the importance of these species of the natural habitats from which they came from originally. I feel confident enough to say we should not imprison animals for any reason unless absolutely neccessary. I do think Zoological Institutions that are helping several threatened species out there and educating the public of their tremendous importance to our planet is a good thing at the same time. These institutions can only help preseve what we have left of so many endangered species such as the Giant Panda and Snow Leopard just to name a few.

There is so much we still can learn from these creatures and for future generations to gain respect and appreciate them while they are still roaming this planet. So with the help of Zoos, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Preserves, we are able to experience this for the time being up close and personal. At the same time, excellent people and organizations are helping educate the public on our immense diversity of species through stellar film series such as the Planet Earth, Life, and Wild China series alone. These along with the endless related sites on the web such as ARKive are helping educate future generations to come and the importance of what each particular species holds on this planet.

I believe in protecting and preserving all natural habitats and to capture the species on film in their native habitat is probably one of the best solutions to educate the children of tomorrow. So here are some glimpses of some the beautiful creatures that are current residents of these great institutions in Ohio and neighboring states. All photos were taken at the National Aviary in Pittsburg, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, Pittsburg, and Indianapolis Zoos, as well as few Ohio Nature Preserves and Parks from the Summer 2009 to Fall of 2011. Click on the links below to see more from each series and Enjoy!